My Not-So-Political Political Post
8:57 AMI mostly try to stay out of the political drama, especially when it comes to social media and the like. Everyone has an opinion, and even though this is quite possibly the most divided race in American history, it seems as though everyone feels quite passionately about who we should vote for to keep America in tact.
I could write a blog post on which candidate I think you should go out and vote for, but I'm not going to do that. The first reason I am not going to do that is because I have no idea what to say. I really don't. And secondly, even if I did feel strongly about a certain candidate and had well-formed opinions and data about that particular individual and how their win would result in the least amount of damage to America, I genuinely do not believe that tactic is very effective.
For the past several months, we have been inundated with articles, social media posts, and the news, all of which tells us different things. Whether it's your friend on Facebook or the "unbiased" media or the religious leader you respect, they all have varying views on this situation with their own reasoning behind why their views make sense.
But I submit to you a larger view and a different perspective. (I write with a Christian audience in mind.)
First, let us never forget our Ultimate Leader. He is so much bigger than a president. His sovereign will must unfold. It's easy to let fear creep in and charge our minds with all of the "what if's," but we know how it ends. Why do we let Satan have a foothold? Let Truth calm your mind. It is our reaction to these current events and the way we handle our character that says the most about who we are. And others are watching-- whether it be your close friends, your co-workers, your family members, your children and your grandchildren.
I recently watched a very refreshing perspective that speaks to this well-- you can watch it here.
Lastly, let us never forget that those running in this election are people. I am not here to excuse or belittle their track record and the transgressions they have committed. We don't even need to go there. I do want to say, though, that when certain people are under the microscope for so long, and we are only focused on their garbage, that is our view of them. Many of us have never come close to the crimes they have carried out, but one thing we learn from the Word of Truth is that it doesn't matter when it comes to God's grace and forgiveness. By default, we are all in the same boat, headed for Hell without a Savior. We know that turning to belief and Faith and repenting is the path to peace, and we might be humbled to pray for these candidate's hearts instead of trashing who they are and bringing up everything they have done.
My only advice regarding who to vote for in this election is that you pray about it with open hands. Pray for every candidate, pray for their families, and pray for those in current power. This is the kind of support they need most (and the kind of support any of us would want in this position). Ask God to continue to show Himself as Father, Leader, and the Almighty One. And may His peace be in all of our hearts, regardless of what is to come... because we know Truth!