223 Miles

7:58 PM

A lot of people have been asking me how I am feeling about my upcoming move. My answer is always the same...

Honestly, I'm excited. I really don't mind "change." In fact, true to my personality type, while gazing ahead into the journey of a brand new city where I know no one and there are so many places I've never been and everything is new... while it may make some people feel ill, it actually sounds kind of fun to me. I love the idea of discovering new things and having new experiences. With that said, I also realize that "change" isn't easy, or else more people would embrace it. So I must be realistic... with change comes stretching and adjustment and loss.

However, I'm thankful that a new adventure is invigorating to me rather than debilitating. I have always been a free spirit and very independent, so a new stomping grounds will cater to this side of me. Yet, on January 9th, two become one. And it's no longer "my" journey but "our journey." I am grateful that Ryan has roots in the Madison area and can lead the way for me. I know there will be many facets of this place that need to meet Taryn, including but not limited to...

the best coffee shops
the many eclectic shops that dot downtown madison
the weekly farmer's market
the bike trails
the union terrace patio
the concerts on the square
the sail boats & paddle boards on the lake
the Hyvee just around the corner
the tree-full & grassy parks
the farm-to-table restaurants
the cheese & the beer (<only if it's flavored and doesn't actually taste like beer)

And I could go on, but suffice it to say... there is a lot to take in.

But there will also be a lot that I am leaving. Most of my friends would tell you that I have no shortage of Morton town spirit. I proudly claim the Pumpkin Capital of the World as my own-- I've been here for nearly 30 years. There are so many memories & traditions wrapped up in this place. And I could choose to see it as a complete loss, but I won't do that... for a couple of reasons. One being-- I won't be a stranger. While I'm moving away, it's a 3-hour drive, so visits can happen pretty easily. And second-- I would rather see this as an addition to my journey rather than a replacement to my past. My move to Madison is the next chapter in my story, but that doesn't erase the special-ness of what Morton means to me. I can't wait to see how this is integrated into my future. Some ask how long we will live in Wisconsin, and honestly, I don't know. All I do know is that it's the plan for now, and we will trust God to faithfully direct our steps in the years to come.

I can't talk about Morton and moving away without also mentioning the most important part that makes it up, and that is the people. My family, friends, and church are indispensable in my life, and the older I get, the more I realize that the support I have had over the years is pretty unusual. Not everyone is blessed so abundantly, and for this I can only look to the Father and say... Thank you.

It is interesting, because I have had to think about this as being the part that will be the most difficult at times. No longer will I be able to hop in my car and be at my parents' house in 5 minutes, or walk up to the local Dairy Queen and see 3 people I know, or stop by a friend's house for an evening chat, or catch the last half of a nephew's ball game, or anything else I take for granted right now. Life will just be different, and I'll have to find a new normal. But the other side of the coin is that most of the time, we don't realize what we had until we don't have it anymore. Because of this, I can go 2 weeks and not see my siblings, or sometimes a couple days goes by and I realize I haven't talked to my mom. So while I may not have people and resources at my fingertips like I do now, I think it will make the times we do have together that much more special. Weekend visits or holidays or phone calls will be cherished and intentional time rather than "everyday moments." There are positives and negatives to both, but it's just something I've had to think through as I process this move in my life.

All of this to say... I am really looking forward to this next phase. Will it be fun? I'm counting on it. Will it be challenging? I'm sure there will be tears. Will I sometimes miss my current life and look back on where I am now and think, "Why didn't I appreciate that more when I had it?" Absolutely. But will I be able to see the blessing in growing alongside a wonderful guy, who I get to call my husband in 3 short months, and relying on each other in our new marriage to serve God together in a new place? YES! And if there are times that I can't, I will rely on God's patience and faithfulness to carry me through, just as He has in the past. The best part about the Lord is His ways are unchanging and His mercy never runs out!

I don't think I can officially call myself a "cheese head" just yet, but... each day, I'm getting a little closer.


P.S. Yep... I changed the blog style again. Happens every time I start "blogging again"... ;)

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