It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!
8:04 PMSaturday was a big contributor to this project completion. It was a Christmas shopping day for me-- started off with a big lunch at Chipotle, and then plowed through several stores in Peoria to get what I needed. Capped the day off with a celebratory peppermint mocha frappuccino (Starbucks, of course).
Also, decor has been up since the day after Thanksgiving, but that's nothing new. It has always been a family tradition to do so, and I followed suit once I moved out of my parents' house. I'll share some pictures of the finished product below...
I am really looking forward to the holidays this year, and am enjoying this (somewhat) mild weather. Compared to last winter, it's absolutely balmy. I'm sure the negative temperatures will find a way into our winter eventually, but for now, it has been great. And in case it does take a turn for the worse, I have two trips planned for this winter-- one immediately after Christmas, and one at the end of January-- both to warmer places.
We went Christmas caroling tonight with our church-- and I am excited about many upcoming "Christmas" celebrations over the next couple of weeks. It's such an exciting time. I am the biggest sucker for Christmas music, holiday cheer, twinkle lights, and peppermint sticks. I just love it all. Never mind the fact that I have had to get the ladder out TWICE and fix some stubborn lights that fell down from my house gutter, or that my cats feel the Christmas tree was brought into the house solely for their entertainment. It's all for good Reason... actually, the other day, I was thinking of "the Reason for the Season." Christmas is all about celebrating Jesus' birth. Then my mind went to Easter-- which we celebrate as Jesus' death on the Cross and rising again. While Easter is celebrated, it is not done up like Christmas with all the marketing. And I had to ask myself why. Jesus' death on the cross for our sins is the most important thing that happened in history-- without that, we would have no hope of Heaven. But then it hit me: without His birth, there wouldn't have been a death. That was the true sacrifice... God sending His only Son into this sinful, evil world-- a perfect baby, a bright miracle, a sinless human. He left a perfect place to come live in an imperfect world, and experienced pain, sorrow, temptation, and persecution on our behalf. Jesus' birth is an extraordinary event that changed the world, and while some of the holiday hype and Christmas chaos is overdone and unfocused, it should definitely be celebrated.
So I am looking forward to this Season... going in thankful for what I have, grateful for where I'm at, and even semi-wishing there would be a magical white snowfall by the time Christmas Day appears.
The princess in "her" chair (the papasan chair)
The evening after everything was decorated and all the boxes put away. Isabel is taking a snooze on the couch and enjoying the merry lights.
My house! I love Christmas lights! I leave them on all night and it's SO bright outside my bedroom door but I love it :)
The little Christmas tree-- it came from my Grandma Kaiser. It's my favorite :)
I had some extra icicle lights so they get to hang from my teal piece.
My stocking for Santa to fill...
Christmas-scented candles a must. This flavor smells delish.
Kitchen table
The sparkly tree...
It should not shock you to find that it is a very bright tree :)
Lily's typical look. "What?"
My active little kitty-- she loves looking out the window at the squirrels :)
My office
Work space
Another Lily look :) She looks ticked here... Isabel is probably on her nerves!
In awe of the tree and all the colorful dangly ornaments! A cat's biggest temptation...
The only time they will co-exist side-by-side peacefully is during meal time :)
Be back soon.........T