August Rush
7:23 PMIt has been incredibly busy. So busy, in fact, that even when I am supposed to be relaxing (i.e. resting, listening, watching, or sleeping), my mind is still on overdrive. It's like every part of me is still and relaxed except my brain. It is like there is some part of my subconsciousness that is still making to-do lists and solving yesterday's problem and creating tomorrow's plan. Oh, well.
I would like to say that everything will settle down in September. But it won't. We have 3 weddings and the only weekend we don't have a wedding is the Pumpkin Festival, so Kristi and I will be in our studio during a great portion of this event. Don't get me wrong; I'm still going to go to the food tent, ride the Ferris Wheel, and eat an elephant ear. But most of the time, I'll be found behind Imagine Artists' new door, conveniently located right in the heart of the P Fest!
So enough on how busy my life is. I am glad to have the time to sit down and write at this moment. I truly do love to write.
One thing God has been teaching me over the past several weeks is how sufficient His grace truly is. That Truth has rung a new melody in my ears. It is interesting how God uses certain situations in your life to teach you different lessons or reveal certain truths. I love it. We cannot possibly understand why God does what He does, even the good things. Sometimes, we are blessed far beyond measure, and other times, we are left standing in the middle of an open field, empty-handed, deserted, and lonely. Either way, we still have Christ.
I just read a quote the other day that I loved. Confession: It came from one of my Droid apps. But hear me out, it's this Daily Bible app that gives you a Bible verse every day, and among other features it has a "Daily Quote" that I always read. Here it was:
"Contentment is not by addition but by subtraction: seeking to add a thing will not bring contentment. Instead, subtracting from your desires until you are satisfied only with Christ brings contentment." - Jeremiah Burroughs
That really is the truth of the matter.
I'd love to stay and chat, but on the agenda for tonight is a bubble bath while reading my book, and possibly a bowl of Lucky Charms before I call it a night. Yes, I even schedule my nights of relaxation. It's funny, because I'm not really the "planning, regimented" type. At all. But somehow, making a mental to-do of all the fun things I have planned for myself helps me to enjoy it even more. Go figure. So... I'll be back soon. But first, a few pictures I took tonight. Here are 3 of my favorite things:
{1} Candy Corn. Every Fall, when I see the bags of candy corn lining the store shelves, I smile really big and buy a bag. Even better than candy corn? Candy corn pumpkins!

{2} Piano. I love to sight-read, although I'm far from perfect. My personal favorite is to tap out classical pieces, like the sonatinas and inventions. Improvisation comes in at a close second. Nonetheless, playing helps me to wind down after a busy day.

{3) Fall Weather. Exit, hot humidity. Enter, crisp, cool mornings & evenings with blue, sunshine-filled days. The sunsets are pretty, too.
Love you all! T