6:49 PM

On Monday morning, I received a phone call.

"Good morning, Taryn," came the voice on the other line. "When I pulled into work this morning, I saw a pretty green car on my lot."

"It's here?!"

"It's here," he said.

That evening at 5:30, I headed over to Bloomington with my parents and Kristi, who faithfully came along to document the whole experience. She captured enough video footage and pictures to last a lifetime... and with it all, she put together a fun little video that is posted on FB. I am so thankful to have a friend who takes videography as seriously as I do! Rest assured, no big moment of our lives will go uncaptured...

Anyway, it was a picture perfect evening. Call me sentimental, but I was really hoping for a blue sky day for when I picked up my beetle. I mean, cloudy would have worked, too, but there's something so positive and happy about driving down the road with a blue sky and sunshine above.

My wish was granted. Monday was a beautiful, blue-sky, sunny day. The Lord knew my heart and blessed me with even that small treasure! I was able to drive my new car home as the sun was setting on a warm, blue-sky evening. It was fun being able to show my family and friends that same night.

I could go on and on, but, it's just a car (my dream car!). So I'll stop now. But, I will say, a feeling of impending doom keeps haunting my mind. I know this is just for the suspicious, but do you ever feel like something is bound to go wrong at a time when everything seems to be working out so right? I keep thinking about the fact that I was able to start my own business with a really good friend, doing what I love to do. Now, a few years later, I purchase my dream car. Not many people get their dream job AND their dream car. I guess instead of assuming something must go wrong, I'll just chalk it up to an amazing God who has blessed me abundantly, and while usually once you've had a mountain top experience, the only place to go from there is down... I'll just enjoy the beautiful sky, my surroundings, and the hike as I make my way down the mountain. Let's hope it's more of a gradual hike rather than a free fall jump and crash...

Love you all!

Enjoy the pictures... T

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