Denying Coffee : Harder than it sounds

6:49 PM

When I was at the conference this past weekend, my heart was moved to support a beautiful little girl from Honduras through Compassion. One of the speakers at the conference put it well: "We are often more concerned about our standard of living than we are about others living." He suggested that instead of buying the pumpkin spice latte that we think we need, just put a lot of sugar in some coffee. =)

This spoke directly to me, as I often treat myself with the luxuries of life. A specialty coffee drink, a big dessert, a new pair of shoes that are too fun to pass up. Do I need this stuff? No. But does it deliver some sort of temporary satisfaction? Absolutely. So much so that after awhile, I almost feel entitled to these things.

So, I made a deal that I would cut back my purchase of coffee drinks to one a week. To some of you, that still may seem like a lot... but you don't understand... my office is located in the center of 2 of my favorite coffee shops in Morton. Furthermore, I have a mild addiction to Starbucks. But I also have a coffee maker at home... and it works just fine. So if I can save even $5 a week on coffee, that money can now go to help this little girl in a country where just having 2 meals a day is a luxury.

The problem is, I told this all to Kristi. Yesterday, I was craving yogurt + berries from Eli's. But then, I also wanted a coffee drink to go with it.

"Taryn, it's only Tuesday," Kristi pointed out. "Are you going to be able to make it the rest of the week if this is the one you get?"

"Absolutely," I said. "No problem."

I was wrong. Today, we had a photo shoot in Peoria so swung by Panera on the way home for lunch. What did I want? Their mocha coffee drink. It's glorious. It really is. But thanks to Kristi's accountability, I said no.

And you know what? It was sad at lunch time, but as I sit here and type, it's not like I'm still in turmoil. It's often hard to deny yourself in the moment, but after the fact, it's always worth it. Whether it's a coffee drink or a serious sin you're denying, in the end, you've saved money, heartache, and guilt.

All afternoon and evening, Kristi and I jazzed up Imagine Artists with the help of both of our moms. There are now twinkle lights dangling from the windows, snow lining the edges, ornament-struck topiaries, and many sparkly gifts and items that will be on sale through the holiday season. It really all came together quite well, and I'm super-excited for the Holidazzle event this weekend! Stop on by and see us at our open house... we will have wonderful treats, specials, and gifts for sale!

Well... I should wrap it up. Just wanted to write a little, as I plan on holding up my end of the deal w/the blogging. I'll write if you read. I'll write even if you don't... because I love it. =)

Love you all!


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  1. That's a Chan quote - I recognize it! And what a great quote it is!

    So glad you sponsored a little girl. We've been sponsors and advocates for 16 years with Compassion...their ministry is my personal passion! I'm hoping to go to Peru in August to meet one of our little guys.

    So...welcome to the Compassion family! It's a great ministry! Be sure to write to your little girl...they love getting letters and knowing someone cares about them.

    Blessings Taryn!

  2. T-
    I'm so proud of you & your denial of coffee...and for a cause-not just for Lent, or to "see if you can do it" but for a real-life cause! Good for you girl :) Now I'm holding you accountable as well :)

    Miss you - Katie

  3. Jill- it sure is, you're right! That is so cool that you have been so involved with Compassion over the years... I was glad to hear that they love to stay in touch, because I love to write letters. =)

    Katie- thanks for your words of encouragement! Hope to see you and baby soon. =)

  4. I know how important your coffee is to you, so I know this is no minor decision for you! I'm proud of you! I think I'll have to start saving my change so I can treat you to some Eli's when I get home so we can chat a recite Psalms 139.

  5. Taryn,

    Be sure to add Compassion's blog to your reader or blog list. It will give you great glimpes into this ministry...and if you have any friends who want to sponsor children...send them my way and I will get them matched up with a child. I have a special little boy, right now, that is my "Christmas project" that I need sponsored.
