life gallery

8:22 PM

I fear that I have been going through a bout of writer's block.

Every time I come to the posting board, I freeze. Usually, all that I really have to do is pull up the white screen and start typing, and some sort of post formulates.

Lately, it hasn't come. For the first time in a long time, I cannot put 2 sentences together in a meaningful way to save my life. I don't like it.

So I decided to dedicate this post to imagery to get the focus off of my writing (or lack thereof).

Before I show the gallery, though, a preface:I am not saying this to be repetitive or just because I feel obligated to say it "as a photographer," but I really do mean it... in the past few years, I have come to better experience my life through photos. Allow me to explain... whatever I'm up to, whether it's an outing with my girl friends, a family cookout in the backyard to celebrate birthdays, or a random night on the town, I feel like my best "story" of it is through images. Not only do I see the night more artistically, but snapping photos creates a visual record. Post-production allows me to add additional creative flair and social networks and technology such as Facebook and Blogger gives me the opportunity to share it with others.

Following will be a conglomeration of my March-April-May "Favorites" from my "life" image gallery. I'll let you pick up to 3 favorites since there are so many choices this time. It was hard to narrow down so I just decided to put up anything that I loved.

Good Morning

Tiny Dancer

Rose Bowl

Beau Behind Balloons



Boys Be Boys

May Day

Lil' Sulker

Mirror #2

Big Red
Leaf Me Alone

Pocketful of Posies

Back Bow

Summer Sip



Night Lights

Ladies Night Out

Vote for your 3 favorite titled images! Love you all!


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  1. night lights. mirror #2. boys be boys. beans.

    yes i'm voting for four, i tried for a good five minutes to make up my mind. it didn't work. good stuff t!

  2. childhood.
    back bow.
    rose bowl.

    i like your summer :]
