the greener side

6:07 PM

The grass always appears to be greener on the other side.

I'm on the other side...

And the grass is REALLY green.


my head is spinning, I am exhausted, I am hungry, I have more to do than time to do it...


my ability to unavoid activities that cause me to procrastinate is still fully intact.

{such as blogging.}

Love you all!


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  1. Hang in there. Life will slow down...eventually!! The ladies loved you! We spent about 20 minutes learning how to say your name correctly, so hopefully you won't be called Tara, Erin, Ara, or Torn. Yes, all of those variations came out while trying to get Taryn out. It was quite humorous actually. Just remember, you are making a difference in their lives and you are getting paid for it!!

  2. So I'm not so sure about the description of my personality... maybe I'll have to take one of those tests again? I loved all of your photographs on your new facebook "page". You've got a lot on your plate with your new job and your own business, but God is faithful, He'll get you through it! :) Love you!
