5 Truths

4:33 PM

1. I am hungry.

2. I am meeting Heather at One World for dinner...

and I'm going to be late.

3. I will most likely order dessert.

4. My blog found a new look!

5. I have to run!

Love you all. Be back soon. T

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  1. i like the new look!
    fresh and sprightly ;]

  2. 1. Love the new look. Perfect for spring.

    2. THIS is what you were doing while I waited for you?? 20 minutes LATE.

    3. I am so full.

    4. We need to limit out time in B&N. I extended my "Books I Want" list by 7 tonight.

    5. Thanks for the catch up. Sad that 5 days w/o seeing you and I feel like I don't know you anymore.

  3. i LOVE your new look!!! I should hire you to give my blog a much needed face lift!!! love it. you are always so creative...and i love one world! very scrumpcious.

  4. love the new look, you need to show me how to update mine :) Thanks for going rollerblading with my boys yesterday. You are a special aunt and sister.

  5. I love this new look! If I hadn't gotten mine redone, I would grab one of these great backgrounds. I looked around the site (Lena's) and think this bird one is my favorite. I might have to use it later this summer!
