
3:39 PM

I am sitting here on a new kitchen chair in the new room of our new house. In a new neighborhood. But fortunately, the campus isn't new :) or else I'd be in trouble. When I think back to how "new" everything felt last year at this time, I shake my head in awe of how quickly it all flashed by. Life only gets quicker as the years go by, which teaches me to enjoy the times of "youth" while they are still near.

This past week before school started, I had off. I was able to have a snapshot of "summer" during this week and I kept myself busy with activities that I might have enjoyed throughout the summer had I not worked. One day was spent going out to lunch with my mom, sisters, and aunts. Another day I took my older neice and nephews to the water park with Kristi. Dairy Queen trips were frequent, and hanging out with friends late at night occured nightly. I was thankful for a week to enjoy before the rush of school came flying towards me at full force.

However, I am looking at a pretty light 'n easy semester- photography, graphic design, communications, and genetics comprise my learning palette for these next few months. I am looking forward also to working 2 days a week at Cat in Mossville, interning in the same business unit that I stayed with all summer, Cat Electronics.

Another area that looks exciting to me is our ISU Young Group. I am serving as treasurer this year on an amazing committee, and I look forward to planning, facilitating and participating in events throughout the year! I can already see how God is working through each member and the individual talents lying therein, and I know it will be used for His glory! I look forward to seeing people at ISU Bible Study this week. I remember last year, that was the one night a week I always got excited about, because I was able to see so many faces from all around Central IL.

I can't end this post without a mention of my room mates. I can already tell this year holds a lot of fun and fond memories, and it only took me one night to figure it out. Actually, I knew it ever since we finalized the 6 room mates living here. But at any rate, we all have much to be thankful for-- and hopefully, our house here on Willow Street can be a shining beacon of God's love as we live out this next year here at ISU.

It is exciting to note God's almighty ways and how His purpose for each of us is simple, but the way in which He works it out is so beyond our understanding. It does me good to remember that I am not always suppossed to have all the answers or figure out all the mysterious ways in which He works; I am only here to glorify Him and further His Kingdom in where he has me in the present. Simple to say, so hard to follow through. I recently dug out "The Purpose Driven Life" and got slammed in the face with the "It's not about you," statement starting off the book. No, it's not. Yet I wake up every morning with a self-centered approach, and the only way to break loose from this perspective is to keep consistency in reading the Word, praying to God, and being open to opportunities that surround us each and every day.

Some applications...

Try denying SELF. Start with the small things-- give your friend the bigger half of the cookie even though you are STARVING and it's your favorite kind. These types of behaviors, if enforced habitually in the small things, will soon come naturally and will be more easier to apply in the big things.

Pray OFTEN. Pray for the driver who just cut you off. Pray for your boss. Pray for your attitude. Instead of worrying about how something will work out, pray that it will.

Treat every "job" or "task" you are given during the day as if God gave it to you. It doesn't matter if you know you can "take advantage" of the situation and do it quicker one way or easier another way, and it doesn't matter that the task seems unnecessary to you. It doesn't matter that the job you were given is frustrating and time consuming, or that it's the last thing you really feel like doing. Whether your mom gave it to you or your teacher gave it to you, treat your work like "God's work" and every time, I guarantee that your attitude will be nicer, your finished product will show quality, and your "self" will be taken out of it.

Love you all! T

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  1. Thanks T. I needed to hear that. Sometimes work isn't fun. But, when I think about doing it for God It helps so much!

  2. hey, good post T! As it says in the bible, be self controlled and alert so you can pray...i think God is pleased when we do that. Good luck in school this year.

  3. sounds like willow street is the place to be! I can't wait to take advantage of some thursday night dinners...good times! :)

    Thanks for the encouragement...I think everyone could use those principles!!

  4. Good perspectives/applications. We've got a blessed "new" house here too. And you're certainly serving on a great committee. Blessings!

    (Good Thursday night dinner while we're on the subject... didn't see you but thanks)
