Top Ten Tuesday 18

10:38 PM

I am going to post an early Top Ten of some of the photos that I took in Arizona and edited a bit. Vote for your favorite.

1. Stop Wining

2. Curly Green

3. Through the Window

4. RYG

5. The Walking Sisters

6. Pool Balls

7. Peeking Pink

8. The Van with Something to Say

9. Coke

10. Night Lights

Have an excellent Fourth! I love you all! T

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  1. number 3...through the window

  2. I like them all. No one of them is better then the other. :)

  3. 1 or 3 but i'd prob lean to the 3. yeah. pretty cool.

    clap clap clap about posting a top ten tues.

  4. number 8. Not neccessarily for the photography (although it is good:), but because I can respect a van that has something to say.

  5. 6 pool balls....i just like it....

  6. that was my post....erin

  7. numero 3 'through the window' - i love it! (all of them, really)

  8. #10 is Ducky's crazy wall-less pool eh, I like that one 2 now, not for the photography (although good:)... been there, said that

  9. Taryn, you make me sick! Your photos are awesome :P

    I love no.9, the Coke. It looks like a Cherry Coke, something very dear to me. Good job on Through the Window too.

  10. My favorite was No. 3, I like all of them though.
    Yeah, David was right, your photos are awesome.
