Top Ten Tuesday 10

9:43 PM

I am sitting here in the kitchen with ALL of my room mates while I am writing this. Another great save from Kristi tonight... I got a phone call around 10 p.m. wondering where the Top Ten was. To be honest, I had forgotten it was Tuesday and thought it was Monday. How dreadful.

Well, my initial topic was going to be Top Ten Food Creations by myself, but as I am sitting here, all my "T's" shouted at me: Do your top ten favorite T's! So that's what I'm going to do.

But not without writing about my spontaneous and amazing food creation that I had tonight. We were all eating snacks, so I decided to combine a few of them. I took a graham cracker, smeared peanutbutter on it, placed 3 mini marshmallows on it, and zapped it in the microwave for 8 seconds. The marshmallows start to blow up but not TOO much, just enough to soften them and warm the peanubutter. What results is an amazing sensation in your mouth! It is SO yummy. You must all try it.

So here is my Top Ten Favorite T's (in NO particular order, of course:)

1. Tommy Hilfiger
2. Takhomasak from Steak 'n Shake
3. Toast with cinnamon, or peanutbutter and marshmallows, or peanutbutter, bananas & honey
4. Temperatures that are high, especially outside
5. Tea party lunches
6. Telephone calls from friends & family
7. Tire swings (are sooo fun, especially when you are so dizzy that you can't walk)
8. Tinker Toys (do any of you remember those?)
9. Top Ten Tuesdays
10. T-House

Now that I'm done playing Scategories, why don't I just say that of course I also enjoy:
Tammy, Tricia, Tracy, Tonya, Tasha, and Tate. I have SO many T's in my life...

Alright, I'll be anxiously awaiting your votes...

Love, T

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  1. #8, Tinker Toy's pretty much rock. End of story.

  2. Tayrn I truly remember tinker toys. The thought brings terrific memories and tears! Top Ten winner.....#8

  3. #5. Tea party lunches...provided that they are not too high caflooten and stuffy! I just like getting together with friends...and this choice was the closest.

  4. Since toes aren't on the list (hehe jk) I will have to go with #6 or #7.

  5. I just want everyone to know... I called Taryn last night and said where's the top ten tuesday? she was busy and said she would do it later, i said why not just do it one Wednesday, everyone's life isn't going to end if it has to be Top Ten Wednesday, and Taryn replied...

    It would have to be Wop Wen Wednesday.

    I sat there in udder disbelief of this hilarious statement.

  6. I'll take # 7- the tire swing, except that I prefer my tire swing hung horizontally so I can share it with a friend (or favorite daughter) and please don't twirl it too much or I might start feeling queezy. Just a gentle swing will be great.

  7. 7 or 8

    You brought to mind a delightful memory of having friends over and no snacks, so I proceded to take grahm crackers, coat them in chocolate frosting (sounds aight so far), and plop on a piece of summer sausage. Between four of us we ate maybe 2/3 of one. Kinda the same concept as a McGriddle, but doesn't flow together as well. I think I'm going to go submit it to taste of home "quick cooking!"

  8. Tinker Toys are pretty cool, but I'll go with #4, "Temperatures that are high." Seventy-five, sunny, and grilling steaks sounds pretty good. As a side note, steak is definitely a gift from God. Anyway, keep up the good work.

  9. I played with Tinker Toys today. But the classis wooden ones I had wooden ones when I was little, with small plastic pieces to hold it all together. These were all plastic and not near as cool.

  10. They all get my vote this week. A job well done on the T's!

  11. steaks are DEFINITELY a gift from God.

  12. Temperatures that are high... if I have a swimming pool to go along with it.
