Today, I became a homeowner.
It all started about 3 months ago. The thing is, I have always loved living at home. Always.
I enjoy the special time I have with my parents-- they are pretty cool!-- and all of the perks associated with having a nice, big warm home to live in. The benefits of staying always outweighed the benefits of moving out, in my mind. Considering I am quite an independent person and like to have my own "space" and "time," I have stuck around for awhile. I could never wrap my mind around leaving, and it always saddened my heart to think I would one day make that move.
However, at the beginning of this Fall, the small little thought of "moving out" crept into my mind. With it came a peace that it would soon be time to do it.
I don't think I told anyone this, but one night I did a search online to see what was available for rent or sale in this area. Nothing really popped up, but I was just curious.
Furthermore, I knew when I did move out, I wanted it to be a smart play financially and emotionally. I wanted it to be a situation that would help me to settle in somewhere and not move around (i.e. renting with room mates, etc.) It was also important to me to have a place I could call my own and MAKE my own, because we all know my taste tends to be a bit eccentric... at times, in a way that only I enjoy :)
Anyway, shortly after this way of thinking entered my mind and my little search took place, I found out that one of our family friends was looking for a job out-of-state. She had applied for a teaching position in Indiana at our church-run Gateway Woods.
I found out she was accepted for the position and was THRILLED for her! Sad she would be moving away, but excited for her opportunity.
My very next thought was: What will happen to her house? Her house would be PERFECT for me.
It is a very small, 2-bedroom, 1 bath house situated on one of the main drags in Morton. I have always thought it was a cute little place. In fact, I grew up going over to her house for "Girl's Nights," in which my cousin and I would stay up ALL night and watch movies (and we would occasionally get scolded for being so loud!)
Anyway, the house itself had a special place in my heart, and I allowed myself to imagine what it would be like to buy it.
The next morning, I shared these thoughts with my mom. Unbeknownst to me, my mom had been with our friend the night before and she had told my mom, "I want Taryn to have my house." This likely occurred at the same time I had the same thought!
Later, I found out that she had also had a tremendous peace about me getting her home. She told me, "You will never really know how dead certain I was that one morning back in early Sept. (after I knew I was taking this job) that the Lord just spoke to me (clear as a bell!) and said this house needs to be Taryn Kaiser's!"
It was such confirmation to hear that! It definitely affirmed the peace I had in my heart and mind to make this purchase.
Anyway, the moment the idea starting coming to fruition in my mind, I did not waste another moment. I found out who I needed to contact and what I needed to do to get the ball rolling, and I started the process of buying my very first home.
All along the way, the Lord has taught me many lessons! It has been a Faith-building experience for me, as I tackled something I have never done before in my whole life. However, it is awesome to see how God blessed this decision and I am SO excited to move in very soon!
I will share more later about my house, my plans, and post pictures when it is ready. For now, I just wanted to share my EXCITING news. I am officially a home-owner!!!
Praise Jesus!
Love you all,