#1 Buy a Truck.

Not only would a truck be ideal for carrying anything and everything under the sun, but it can always be used as it's own "step stool" as Kristi is doing in the above photo. You would never know that she is scared of heights!
#2. Be in the Way.

3. Know Where Your Camera is... At All Times.

#4. Know Your Angle.

A great picture can be made even better by putting a creative twist on it, and this can be done by switching up your angle. Shooting "down" on people is usually the most flattering, as long as they tilt their faces up and don't look distorted. Shooting "up" can have it's creative payoffs, but can sometimes lead to unflattering results. My personal favorite is laying flat on the ground and getting the ground on up, which is an interesting angle and includes grass, sky, and people all in one shot.
#5. Participate.

#6. Have a Clone.

#7. Know Your Equipment.

#8. Take Risks.

#9. Own a Golf Cart.

#10. Get Close.

If you have the right lens, you can stand several feet away from someone and still get an extreme close up. But my favorite shots are the ones that are taken with either a wide angle lens, or a prime lens (like a 50mm) in which you are super close in proximity to your subject. I was not always comfortable doing this, but have definitely warmed up to the art of getting up close and personal.
Love you all!